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Updated: Jun 18, 2020

We are situated in one of the cold state here in United States, so the only time to plant here is during the summer season. I usually start my seedlings inside the house around March then transfer them on the soil outside towards the end of May, because we're in Michigan. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants usually need to grow inside early before the season warmed up otherwise, there wouldn't be enough time for them to grow from seeds to bear fruit during the season. They need tender and loving care when they are babies, the gentleness of watering them, digging and airing out the soil to let them breath is very important. There's so much joy once the seeds you planted on the ground started to grow and there's nothing like harvesting your own fresh vegetables from your own garden, but don't forget to thank God, the One who let them grow and live to give us life.

Seeds I always start indoor: Tomatoes, red & green peppers and eggplant

Seeds planted directly in the soil: Corn, green beans, okra, kale, chard, bitter melon, bokchoy, parsley, basil, cilantro, any kind of squash, cucumber then lettuce, spinach & radish should be planted early summer.

Other option if you don't have a space:

Plant them in the pot and lined them up in the corner of your house or your fence. We can always be creative to plant them, then God will take care of the rest.






HARVEST TIME (zucchini, tomatoes, green beans, okra, eggplant and swiss chard)


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